Frequently asked questions


1. What is your fee?
My fee is $150.00

2. Do you have a sliding scale?
Sometimes people want to enter into therapy but may not be able to afford the full fee. I am willing to discuss my fee and your constraints, and in certain situations adjust the fee, with the understanding that if your financial situation changes we will revisit the topic.

3. How long is a session?
55 minutes

4. How often will we meet?
In general, meeting once a week works best, and allows you time in between sessions to process what we are working on. In crisis situations or in times of greater stress, some people benefit from more frequent sessions. Conversely, clients who have worked with me for a while sometimes choose to come every other week.

5. What happens if I can’t make my appointment?

If you need to cancel your appointment, I ask that you give me at least 24 hours notice. The more notice you can give me, the better. If it is possible for me to reschedule, I will be glad to do so. I charge my full fee if you miss a session and do not let me know with at least 24 hours’ notice. Of course, people don’t always know in advance when they are going to be sick or have an emergency. Should unexpected circumstances arise, I am willing to discuss this with you. Your insurance does not cover missed sessions.

6. Will the information that I share with you remain private?
Everything we discuss is confidential. There are a few legal and ethical limits to confidentiality that have to do with child and elder abuse and harm to self and others. I go over these issues in detail with you in the first session. If you wish me to share certain aspects of your treatment with other health care providers, you can sign a release of information.

7. Do you accept insurance?
I can provide a super bill for you to seek reimbursement if you have out of network benefits. I am happy to discuss this further with you.

8. What is the first appointment like?
The first appointment is a little bit different for each client, depending on their needs.  I am most interested in hearing about what brought you into therapy at this time. Together we may clarify some goals and talk about ways of working together. I always check in at the end of the first meeting to see how clients are feeling about the experience so far.